Press releases

Through press releases, the Swedish Prosecution Authority announce press conferences and provides information on a selection of cases.

  • Further to the recently issued statement from the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention, the Swedish Prosecution Authority makes the following statement.

    On 11 May 2015 the Swedish Supreme Court, after examining the facts in the case, decided that Julian Assange should still be detained in his absence. Since March 2015, the prosecutor responsible for the case has attempted to interview Julian Assange at Ecuador's embassy in London. It has not yet been possible to conduct the interview as the relevant Ecuadorian authority has not granted permission. In view of the progress of a case, a prosecutor shall continuously consider whether a decision on detention should stand. The statement from the Working Group has no formal impact on the ongoing investigation, according to Swedish law. The prosecutor responsible for the case is on a journey and has not yet been able to take a position on the latest development. Should new information emerge, it will be published. At the moment, the prosecutor is not available for comments. Press service +46 10 562 50 20

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  • In a reply, the Prosecutor-General of Ecuador has rejected, on formal grounds, the Swedish prosecutor’s request to interview Assange in London, as it refers to the request that was sent 29 May 2015.

    In a reply, the Prosecutor-General of Ecuador has rejected, on formal grounds, the Swedish prosecutor's request to interview Assange in London, as it refers to the request that was sent 29 May 2015. In the letter, the Prosecutor-General also informs that Ecuador will conduct the interview, and therefore requests a list of the questions the Swedish prosecutor wants the Ecuadorian prosecutor to ask. - At the moment, we consider if it effects the possibilities to conduct the investigative matters and, if that is case, we shall submit a renewed request, says Director of Public Prosecution Marianne Ny. Press service 46 10 562 50 20

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  • Status of the Assange matter 13 January 2016.

    Sweden has signed a general agreement on mutual legal assistance with Ecuador. The prosecutor has submitted a request to interview Julian Assange at Ecuador's embassy in London. This document was recently sent from the Swedish Ministry of Justice to the Office of the Prosecutor-General of Ecuador. It is not possible to estimate when a response can be expected. When all necessary permits and arrangements are ready, the interview will be performed by the supporting prosecutor to the case, Chief Prosecutor Ingrid Isgren, together with a police investigator.

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  • A renewed request will shortly be submitted to Ecuador concerning permission to interview Julian Assange at Ecuador’s embassy in London.

    A renewed request will shortly be submitted to Ecuador concerning permission to interview Julian Assange at Ecuador's embassy in London. Sweden has signed a general agreement on mutual legal assistance with Ecuador. Therefore, the prosecutor will shortly submit a request to interview Julian Assange at Ecuador's embassy in London. The document will be sent from the Ministry of Justice to Ecuador through diplomatic channels. In June, Great Britain granted permission for the investigation to continue in London, and the relevant British authorities will be informed of any developments in the case. When all necessary permits and arrangements are ready, the interview will be performed by the supporting prosecutor to the case, Chief Prosecutor Ingrid Isgren, together with a police investigator. At the moment, it is not possible to estimate when the interview will take place. Press service+46 10 562 50 20

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