Press releases

Through press releases, the Swedish Prosecution Authority announce press conferences and provides information on a selection of cases.

  • Artist to be Prosecuted for Stockholm Assault

    The three individuals held on remand since 5 July on suspicion of committing an assault in central Stockholm have been charged. One of the individuals concerned is an American artist. The public prosecutor will be available to the media via telephone on Thursday morning.

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    The three individuals held on remand since 5 July on suspicion of committing an assault in central Stockholm have been charged. One of the individuals concerned is an American artist. The public prosecutor will be available to the media via telephone on Thursday morning.

    "I have today commenced criminal proceedings against the three individuals suspected of assault causing actual bodily harm, having come to the conclusion that the events in question constitute a crime and despite claims of self-defence and provocation. In reaching this conclusion, I have studied the videos made available to the inquiry. It is worth noting that I have had access to a greater amount of material than that which has previously been available on the internet. In addition to video material, the injured party’s statements have been supported by witness statements," says public prosecutor Daniel Suneson of the City Public Prosecution Office. The alleged assault took place on 30 June in central Stockholm. The three men who have now been charged were held on the night of 3 July and have been in custody since then. They were initially suspected of aggravated assault. Stockholm District Court decided to remand the three men in custody on 5 July, on suspicion of assault causing actual bodily harm. "There were initially two injured parties in the case; however, the allegations concerning one of these were dropped due to insufficient supporting evidence. The prosecution I have now brought therefore relates to only one injured party. A counter allegation was also made against one of the injured parties by the artist’s bodyguard. This case was investigated and closed on 22 July," says Daniel Suneson. What happens now? The three individuals will remain on remand until the trial. Stockholm District Court will decide on a date for the trial to commence. The public prosecutor recommends that three days be set aside for the hearing. Stockholm District Court, Case No. B 9283-19 Contact Public prosecutor Daniel Suneson of the City Public Prosecution Office is available to the media via telephone today between 9:00 and 12:00 on +46 (0)10 562 55 93. No interviews will be given by any means other than over the telephone. Interviews may be conducted in Swedish or English. Press Service +46 10 562 50 20   Prosecutor – part of a legal system Swedish prosecutors are independent when making decisions concerning prosecution or coercive measures, such as search and arrest. This means that each prosecutor is solely responsible for his or her decisions, and that these decisions cannot be changed by a prosecutor’s superior, for example. The role of the Ministry of Justice Within the Government Offices, the Ministry of Justice has the primary responsibility for matters relating to the judicial system, including the budgets and administration of the government agencies. The Ministry of Justice may not interfere with the way a government agency applies a law or takes a decision in a specific case in its exercise of public authority. The Swedish judicial system (pdf)

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  • Investigation regarding abuse etc. in Stockholm to be discontinued

    In the case concerning an American artist who has been arrested on suspicion of assault since 5 July, a counter-notice was also made against an injured party in the case. The preliminary investigation has been going on in parallel where the injured party was suspected of abuse, assault and attempted assault. The preliminary investigation in that matter is now discontinued and the injured party is no longer suspected of any crime.

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    In the case concerning an American artist who has been arrested on suspicion of assault since 5 July, a counter-notice was also made against an injured party in the case. The preliminary investigation has been going on in parallel where the injured party was suspected of abuse, assault and attempted assault. The preliminary investigation in that matter is now discontinued and the injured party is no longer suspected of any crime.

    “The person who filed the counter-notice repeatedly asks the other person to leave. When he refuses to leave, the other person first pushes him away and then takes a grip around the other persons neck and lifts him away a few meters. In this situation, the person throws his headphones on the notifier, and tries to hand out battles, which may be considered as right to self-defense.”, says Senior Public Prosecutor Daniel Suneson, the person in charge of the investigation. On Friday 19 July, Stockholm District Court granted the prosecutor more time to continue the preliminary investigation of the case concerning the American artist and two other persons, who have been detained since 5 July on probable cause on suspicion of assault in Stockholm. That investigation is still ongoing. The prosecutor must decide on this matter no later than Thursday 25 July at 11 am CET. The prosecutor is not available to the media for the time being. When new information is available, a press release will be released. Case number in Stockholm District Court: B 9283-19      Press Service +46 10 562 50 20

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  • Stockholm District Court has granted the prosecutor more time to continue the preliminary investigation of the case concerning the American artist who has been detained since 5 July on probable cause on suspicion of assault in Stockholm.

    “The Court decided that the artist will remain in custody until 25 July, because of the flight risk. This gives us time to complete the investigation.”, says Daniel Suneson. If the prosecutor decides to indict the artist, the new time limit has been set to 25 July at 11 am, at the latest. The District Court decided that the other two detained in the case also will remain in custody. Case number in Stockholm District Court: B 9283-19 The prosecutor is not able to be available to the media during the day. When new information is available, a press release will be released. For general questions about the Swedish detention premises, please contact the Swedish Prison and Probation Service's press service, phone +46 11 496 31 00. Due to Swedish law, they cannot provide any information about individuals. Link: The Swedish Prison and Probation Service, Remand    Press Service +46 10 562 50 20

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  • On Friday 5 July, an artist was detained on probable cause for assault in central Stockholm. The prosecutor has now requested for an extension of time until 25 July to finish the investigation. An application for a detention order has been sent to Stockholm District Court.

    "We have worked intensively with the investigation and need more time, until Thursday next week in order to complete the preliminary investigation. As long as the preliminary investigation is ongoing, I cannot give any further comments.", says prosecutor Daniel Suneson, the person in charge of the investigation. In addition to the artist, two more men were detained on suspicion of assault in the same case. The request for extension of time also applies to them. A counter-notice is made against one of the injured parties in the case. A preliminary investigation is ongoing in parallel. The suspected crimes are abuse, assault and attempted assault. Decisions in this matter will be taken no later than 25 July. Due to the summer holidays period, Senior Public Prosecutor Daniel Suneson has taken over as the person in charge of the investigation. Case number in Stockholm District Court: B 9283-19 Detention hearings The detention hearings will start at 1 pm CET, starting with the artist at 1-2 pm and the other two suspects at 2-3 pm and 3-4 pm respectively.   The Swedish judicial system (Link to the Ministry of Justice)     Press Service +46 10 562 50 20

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  • The preliminary investigation continues regarding the American artist who is detained by the Stockholm District Court in Sweden on suspicion of assault in Stockholm.

    Several investigation measures have already been conducted and the analysis of material continues. There is also a preliminary investigation in the case concerning the aggrieved party who is suspected of molestation and assault. On the 19 July, at the latest, the prosecutor must decide whether to file a prosecution or ask the court for a longer detention period in order to finalize the investigation. The prosecutor cannot give any further information about the case for the time being. When information becomes available, this will be provided via a press release. Court´s case number: B 9283-19     Press Service +46 10 562 50 20

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  • Comment from the prosecutor on the Court’s decision to detain Julian Assange.

    “I fully respect the court’s decision. They had to take a position on a difficult assessment issue, which I considered should be examined by a court”, says Deputy Director of Public Prosecution Eva-Marie Persson. “The investigation continues with interviews in Sweden. I will also issue a European Investigation Order in order to interview Julian Assange. No date has been set yet. We will constantly review the state of the investigation.”, says Eva-Marie Persson.     Press Service +46 10 562 50 20   Further information European Investigation Order European Arrest Warrant

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  • Detention hearing in the Assange case

    On Monday 3 June at 10.00, a detention hearing will be held at Uppsala District Court. Deputy Director of Public Prosecution Eva-Marie Persson has submitted an application for a detention order, in which she requests the court to detain Julian Assange in his absence. After the detention hearing, the prosecutor will be present for questions from the media.

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    On Monday 3 June at 10.00, a detention hearing will be held at Uppsala District Court. Deputy Director of Public Prosecution Eva-Marie Persson has submitted an application for a detention order, in which she requests the court to detain Julian Assange in his absence. After the detention hearing, the prosecutor will be present for questions from the media.

    “I am requesting the district court to detain Assange in his absence, on probable cause suspected of rape (less serious crime). If the court decides to detain him, I will issue a European Arrest Warrant concerning his surrender to Sweden,” says Eva-Marie Persson Julian Assange has been convicted of a crime in the UK and will serve 25 weeks of his sentence before he can be released, according to information obtained from the UK authorities. An extradition process is currently ongoing in the UK, with the possible outcome of him being extradited to the US. “In the event of a conflict between a European Arrest Warrant and a request for extradition from the US, UK authorities will decide on the order of priority. The outcome of this process is impossible to predict. However, in my view the Swedish case can proceed concurrently with the proceedings in the UK,” says Deputy Director of Public Prosecution Eva-Marie Persson. Contact The detention hearing will take place on Monday 3 June 10 AM at Uppsala District Court. Immediately following the detention hearing, Deputy Director of Public Prosecution Eva-Marie Persson will be present at the court to answer questions from the media. An interpreter will also be present. Before the hearing, the prosecutor will not answer questions from the media. Case number in Uppsala District Court: B 3167-19. Sign up in order to reserve a seat in the court room at Uppsala District Court Press release when the preliminary investigation was resumed 13 May   Press Service +46 10 562 50 20

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  • Request for detention of Julian Assange

    Deputy Director of Public Prosecution Eva-Marie Persson has today submitted an application for a detention order to Uppsala District Court, in which she requests the court to detain Julian Assange in his absence. After the detention hearing the prosecutor will be present for questions from the media.

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    Deputy Director of Public Prosecution Eva-Marie Persson has today submitted an application for a detention order to Uppsala District Court, in which she requests the court to detain Julian Assange in his absence. After the detention hearing the prosecutor will be present for questions from the media.

    “I request the District Court to detain Assange in his absence, on probable cause suspected for rape (less serious crime). If the court decides to detain him, I will issue a European Arrest Warrant concerning surrender to Sweden”, says Eva-Marie Persson Julian Assange has been convicted of a crime in the UK and will serve 25 weeks of his sentence before he can be released, according to information obtained from UK authorities. An extradition process is ongoing in the UK, with the possible outcome of him being extradited to the US. “In the event of a conflict between a European Arrest Warrant and a request for extradition from the US, UK authorities will decide on the order of priority. The outcome of this process is impossible to predict. However, in my view the Swedish case can proceed concurrently with the proceedings in the UK”, says Deputy Director of Public Prosecution Eva-Marie Persson. Contact The detention hearing takes place on Monday 3 June 10 AM in Uppsala District Court. Immediately after the detention hearing, Deputy Director of Public Prosecution Eva-Marie Persson will be present in the Court to answer questions from the media. An interpreter will also be present. Before the hearing the prosecutor will not answer questions from the media. Case number in Uppsala District Court: B 3167-19. Press release when the preliminary investigation was resumed 13 May (link) Uppsala District Court Press Service +46 10 562 50 20  

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  • Deputy Director of Public Prosecution Eva-Marie Persson has today decided to reopen the Assange case that was previously discontinued.

    The prosecutor will shortly request that Julian Assange be detained in his absence suspected on probable cause for an allegation of rape from August 2010. To be able to execute a detention order, the prosecutor will issue a European Arrest Warrant. An application for a detention order will be submitted to Uppsala District Court, as the suspected crime took place in Enköping municipality. – On account of Julian Assange leaving the Ecuadorian embassy, the circumstances in this case have changed. I take the view that there exists the possibility to take the case forward. Julian Assange has been convicted of a crime in the UK and will serve 25 weeks of his sentence before he can be released, according to information from UK authorities. I am well aware of the fact that an extradition process is ongoing in the UK and that he could be extradited to the US. In the event of a conflict between a European Arrest Warrant and a request for extradition from the US, UK authorities will decide on the order of priority. The outcome of this process is impossible to predict. However, in my view the Swedish case can proceed concurrently with the proceedings in the UK, says Deputy Director of Public Prosecution Eva-Marie Persson. Reopening the investigation means that a number of investigative measures will take place. – In my opinion a new interview with the suspect is required. It may be necessary, with the support of a European Investigation Order, to request an interview with JA be held in the UK. Such an interview, however, requires JA’s consent, says Eva-Marie Persson. Case number in Stockholm District Court: B 12885-10. Decision (PDF)       Press Service +46 10 562 50 20

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  • Deputy Director of Public Prosecutions Eva-Marie Persson will hold a press conference on the continuation of the Assange case on 13 May 2019.

    On 11 April, the counsel for the injured party requested the Swedish preliminary investigation concerning rape be resumed. The case has been handled by Deputy Director of Public Prosecution Eva-Marie Persson at the Swedish Prosecution Authority’s Development Centre in Gothenburg. At the press conference, the prosecutor will provide information about her decision, which will be formally made immediately before the press conference. Place, time and registration The press conference will take place on 13 May at 11.00, at Klara Strand, Klarabergsviadukten 90. Stockholm. Room St:a Clara. Entrance no earlier than 10.30. Include press ID or certificate from editorial staff. Please note only accredited journalists can attend. Sign up at [email protected] by 12  May at 14.00 at the latest. The prosecutor’s presentation will be interpreted from Swedish to English. There will be opportunities for group interviews after the presentation. Questions will also be interpreted from Swedish to English, and vice versa, if needed. Please observe that the press conference is the only opportunity for interviews in English, as the prosecutor does not give interviews in English over the phone. For further information about the case, see Contact: Annika Collin, Press Officer +46 10-562 50 15, Karin Rosander, Director of Communication +46 10-562 50 10.   Press Service +46 10 562 50 20

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  • The Swedish Prosecution Authority will change press release provider. In order to receive our press releases in the future you will need to subscribe to ViaTT.

    From 29 April we will send all press releases through ViaTT. Until we change provider, your current subscription via Cision is ongoing. Click here to subscribe to our English press releases. (Note: the text on the page and in the verification email is in Swedish but you will only receive press releases in English).

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  • The Swedish Prosecution Authority will change press release provider. In order to receive our press releases in the future you will need to subscribe to ViaTT.

    From 29 April we will send all press releases through ViaTT. Until we change provider, your current subscription via Cision is ongoing. Click here to subscribe to our English press releases. (Note: the text on the page and in the verification email is in Swedish but you will only receive press releases in English). Press service 46 10 562 50 20

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  • Update in the Assange case

    After media reports that Julian Assange has been arrested in London, the counsel for the injured party has requested the Swedish preliminary investigation concerning rape be resumed. The case will be handled by the Swedish Prosecution Authority’s Development Centre in Gothenburg.

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    After media reports that Julian Assange has been arrested in London, the counsel for the injured party has requested the Swedish preliminary investigation concerning rape be resumed. The case will be handled by the Swedish Prosecution Authority’s Development Centre in Gothenburg.

    Director of Public Prosecution and Head of the Development Centre, Mikael Björk, has decided that Deputy Director of Public Prosecution Eva-Marie Persson will lead the work regarding the request from the counsel for the injured party. - We will now examine the case in order to determine how to proceed. The investigation has not yet been resumed, and we do not know today whether it will be. Furthermore, we cannot set a timetable for when any such decision will be made, says Deputy Director of Public Prosecution, Eva-Marie Persson. A preliminary investigation can be resumed as long as the suspected crime is not subject to statute of limitation. In this case, the suspected crime of rape would be subject to statute of limitation in mid-August 2020. The prosecutor cannot give further information for the time being. When information becomes available, this will be provided via a press release. Press service +46 10 562 50 20

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  • Statement regarding media information on arrest in London

    According to media reports, Julian Assange has been placed under arrest in London. The Swedish preliminary investigation against him was discontinued on 19 May 2017. In response to today’s developments, Chief Prosecutor Ingrid Isgren makes the following comment:

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    According to media reports, Julian Assange has been placed under arrest in London. The Swedish preliminary investigation against him was discontinued on 19 May 2017. In response to today’s developments, Chief Prosecutor Ingrid Isgren makes the following comment:

    - This is news to us too, so we have not been able to take a position on the information that is now available. We also do not know why he is under arrest. We are following the developments, says Chief Prosecutor Ingrid Isgren. No further comments will be made by the prosecutor at this time. When further information becomes available, this will be provided via a press release. A preliminary investigation can be resumed as long as the suspected crime is not subject to statute of limitation. In this case, the suspected crime of rape would be subject to statute of limitation in mid-August 2020. The press release when the preliminary investigation was discontinued Press service 46 10 562 50 20

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  • On 2 August 2018, a 20 year old man was shot dead by a police in central Stockholm. On Friday 12 April, Chief Public Prosecutor Martin Tidén will make a decision and present it at a press conference.

    The investigation has aimed to clarify what happened in connection with the shooting. Three police officers are notified of the allegations. Participants at the press conference At the press conference, Chief Public Prosecutor Martin Tidén from the Separate Public Prosecution Office will present the investigation and his decision. Chief Inspector Jesper Rundeberg from the Internal Affairs at the Swedish Police will also be present. Time, place and registration Place: Klara Strand, Klarabergsviadukten 90, room: Viktor Arendorff Time: 10 am on Friday 12 April, doors open at 9.30 Registration: please contact [email protected] no later than 4pm on Thursday April 11. Bring your press ID or certificate from editorial staff. Please note only accredited journalists can attend. Stockholm District Court, case number B 10655-18 There will be opportunities for interviews after the presentation. The press conference will be in Swedish. The prosecutor will not give interviews at any other time than at the press conference. Press service 46 10 562 50 20

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  • Judgment in the Telia case

    On Friday 15 February, Stockholm District Court will announce the verdict in the case of bribery within Swedish telecom company Telia. The prosecutor will be available to the media.

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    On Friday 15 February, Stockholm District Court will announce the verdict in the case of bribery within Swedish telecom company Telia. The prosecutor will be available to the media.

    The verdict will be announced at 11 am on Friday 15 February. The prosecutor responsible for the case, former Director of Public Prosecution Gunnar Stetler, will be available to the media by phone between 11.30 and 13.30 CET the same day, +46 70-682 80 11. Case number in Stockholm District Court:B 12201-17 andB 12203-17.

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  • Investigation concerning surgeries resumed after review

    Director of Public Prosecution Mikael Björk has decided to resume the discontinued investigation concerning two persons who had synthetic tracheas implanted. Both injured parties have passed away. The surgeon is nowsuspected on reasonable groundsof two cases of causing another’s death, gross crime.

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    Director of Public Prosecution Mikael Björk has decided to resume the discontinued investigation concerning two persons who had synthetic tracheas implanted. Both injured parties have passed away. The surgeon is nowsuspected on reasonable groundsof two cases of causing another’s death, gross crime.

    Director of Public Prosecution Mikael Björk has decided to resume the discontinued investigation concerning two persons who had synthetic tracheas implanted. Both injured parties have passed away. The surgeon is nowsuspected on reasonable groundsof two cases of causing another's death, gross crime. On 12 October 2017, the investigation was discontinued concerning the surgeon who was formerly employed at Karolinska University Hospital. One injured party and the relatives of two other injured partieswho passed away requested a review. The review has been carried out by the Prosecution Development Centre of the Swedish Prosecution Authority. - We have chosen to review the entire case, i.e. all three patients who had their tracheas replaced. The investigation will now be resumed concerning two of the patients; a woman from Turkey and a man from Iceland. The medical evidence concerning the third patient, a man from the US, is not sufficient and therefore this investigation will not be reopened, said Director of Public Prosecution Mikael Björk. To resume the investigation is a prerequisite for initiating aprosecution, should the prosecutor decide to do so in the future. It is still too early to form an opinion as to which decision the prosecutor will make. - I have made adifferent judicial assessment to the former prosecutor. This does not mean that the prosecutor made an incorrect assessment as the legal position is unclear. There are only a few directive judgements from the Supreme Court. However, in my opinion there exist the pre-conditions to resume the parts of the investigation that concern the Icelandic man and the Turkish woman, said Mikael Björk. Director of Public Prosecution Mikael Björk will be responsible for the resumed investigation. Decisions (in Swedish) Beslut åm-2017-6793(pdf) Beslut åm-2017-6793.2(pdf) Press service46 10 562 50 20

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  • Media is invited to a press conference on Tuesday 11 December concerning the review of the case regarding a surgeon who was formerly employed at Karolinska University Hospital where he performed surgeries of tracheas.

    The surgeon was notified of the suspicions against him for three cases of causing another's death, gross crime, as well as causing bodily harm, gross crime, and one case of causing bodily harm, gross crime. The surgeries were performed between 2011 and 2013. The preliminary investigation was discontinued on 12 October 2017. One injured party, and relatives to two other injured parties, who passed away, requested a review. In December 2017, the Prosecution Development Centre started to examine the case with four injured parties. On Tuesday 11 December, Director of Public Prosecution, Mikael Björk, will make a decision and present it at the press conference. Either the Director of Public Prosecution shares the Public Prosecutor's assessment that the investigation should remain discontinued. The case closes. Or, the Director of Public Prosecution decides to conduct further investigative measures and resume the preliminary investigation. Place, time and registration Place: Clarion Sign hotel, Östra Järnvägsgatan 35, Stockholm Time: 11 am on Tuesday 11 December, doors open at 10.30 Registration: please contact [email protected] later than 4 pm on Monday 10 December. Include press ID or certificate from editorial staff. Please note only accredited journalists can attend. Director of Public Prosecution, Mikael Björk will attend the press conference. There will be opportunities for interviews after the presentation. Questions will also be interpreted from Swedish into English, and vice versa, if needed. The prosecutor will not give interviews at any other time than at the press conference. Press service46 10 562 50 20

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  • Media is invited to a press conference on Tuesday 11 December concerning the review of the case regarding a surgeon who was formerly employed at Karolinska University Hospital where he performed surgeries of tracheas.

    The surgeon was notified of the suspicions against him for three cases of causing another's death, gross crime, as well as causing bodily harm, gross crime, and one case of causing bodily harm, gross crime. The surgeries were performed between 2011 and 2013. The preliminary investigation was discontinued on 12 October 2017. One injured party, and relatives to two other injured parties, who passed away, requested a review. In December 2017, the Prosecution Development Centre started to examine the case with four injured parties. On Tuesday 11 December, Director of Public Prosecution, Mikael Björk, will make a decision and present it at the press conference. Either the Director of Public Prosecution shares the Public Prosecutor's assessment that the investigation should remain discontinued. The case closes. Or, the Director of Public Prosecution decides to conduct further investigative measures and resume the preliminary investigation. Place, time and registration Place: Clarion Sign hotel, Östra Järnvägsgatan 35, Stockholm Time: 11 am on Tuesday 11 December, doors open at 10.30 Registration: please contact [email protected] later than 4 pm on Monday 10 December. Include press ID or certificate from editorial staff. Please note only accredited journalists can attend. Director of Public Prosecution, Mikael Björk will attend the press conference. There will be opportunities for interviews after the presentation. Questions will also be interpreted from Swedish into English, and vice versa, if needed. The prosecutor will not give interviews at any other time than at the press conference. Press service46 10 562 50 20

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  • Prosecution for Serious Unlawful Threats and Attempted Murder

    The case of a 42 year old man suspected of sending threatening letters to 21 Swedish ministers and other well-known people is today being prosecuted at Stockholm District Court. He is also accused of attempted murder after sending a letter bomb to a company in the UK. The prosecutor will be available to the media this afternoon.

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    The case of a 42 year old man suspected of sending threatening letters to 21 Swedish ministers and other well-known people is today being prosecuted at Stockholm District Court. He is also accused of attempted murder after sending a letter bomb to a company in the UK. The prosecutor will be available to the media this afternoon.

    The man is suspected of having sent letters in Sweden, which contained verbal threats as well as white powders which were found to be harmless on analysis. A total of 26 people received threatening letters. “I am of the view that the man intended to put the recipients in extreme fear. The crimes are serious as the threats were clearly strengthened by the presence of a white powder in each letter, which appeared poisonous or explosive. The threat to elected officials is particularly serious as it is a threat to democracy," states the Public Prosecutor, Eva Wintzell. The man is also suspected of attempted murder of four people in the UK after they received a letter bomb sent by the man. Case number: Stockholm District Court B 17019-17 Contact Public Prosecutor Eva Wintzell at the National Unit against Organised Crime, is available today 15 August between 13:00-15:00 by telephone +46 10 562 54 60. Press service46 10 562 50 20

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  • Verdict in terrorist case in Stockholm

    On Thursday 7 June at 1 p.m. Stockholm District Court will announce the verdict where a man has been indicted on charges for terrorist crimes committed in Stockholm on 7 April 2017. The prosecutor will be available for brief comments with the media after the verdict is announced.

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    On Thursday 7 June at 1 p.m. Stockholm District Court will announce the verdict where a man has been indicted on charges for terrorist crimes committed in Stockholm on 7 April 2017. The prosecutor will be available for brief comments with the media after the verdict is announced.

    Stockholm District Court, case number B 4708-17. Contact: Deputy Chief Prosecutor Hans Ihrman will be available by phone for the media Thursday 7 June, 2-3 p.m. CET, for brief comments, +46 10562 53 95. The prosecutor will be available on 12 June for the media to give a more comprehensive analysis regarding the verdict. If you would like to book a time on 12 June, contact Press Service +46 10562 50 20, [email protected] no later than Friday 8 June 11 a.m. For general questions about the Swedish judicial system, please read more Press service46 10 562 50 20

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  • Verdict in terrorist case in Stockholm

    On Thursday 7 June at 1 p.m. Stockholm District Court will announce the verdict where a man has been indicted on charges for terrorist crimes committed in Stockholm on 7 April 2017. The prosecutor will be available for brief comments with the media after the verdict is announced.

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    On Thursday 7 June at 1 p.m. Stockholm District Court will announce the verdict where a man has been indicted on charges for terrorist crimes committed in Stockholm on 7 April 2017. The prosecutor will be available for brief comments with the media after the verdict is announced.

    Verdict in terrorist case in Stockholm Stockholm District Court, case number B 4708-17. Contact: Deputy Chief Prosecutor Hans Ihrman will be available by phone for the media Thursday 7 June, 2-3 p.m. CET, for brief comments. The prosecutor will be available on 12 June by phone for the media to give a more comprehensive analysis regarding the verdict. If you would like to book a time on 12 June, contact Press Service, [email protected] +46 10562 50 20. For general questions about the Swedish judicial system, please read more Press service46 10 562 50 20

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  • On Tuesday 30 January, Deputy Chief Public Prosecutor at the National Security Unit, Hans Ihrman, will indict a suspect concerning terrorist crimes committed in central Stockholm on 7 April 2017. The media is invited to a press conference regarding this prosecution.

    The suspect, who has been detained since 11 April 2017, will be indicted for terrorist crimes. At the press conference, the prosecutor, police and Swedish Security Service will present the investigation. Time, place and registration Place: Stockholm County Police, Kungsholmsgatan 45Time: 11 am on Tuesday 30 January, doors open at 10.30Registration: please contact [email protected] no later than 2 pm on Monday 29 January. Bring your press ID or certificate from editorial staff. Please note only accredited journalists can attend. No late registration will be accepted. Participants at the press conference Hans Ihrman, Deputy Chief Public Prosecutor at the National Security UnitChrister Nilsson, Head of Investigations Division, National Operations DepartmentJohan Olsson, Chief of Operations at the Swedish Security Service There will be opportunities for interviews after the presentation. The presentation will be held in Swedish only. Interpretation from Swedish to English, and vice versa, will be available for the interviews afterwards. Before the trial starts, the prosecutor will not be available for interviews at any other time than at the press conference. Printed copies of the indictment in Swedish will be handed out at the press conference. A timetable for the main hearing will be posted at Stockholm District court's website. The prosecutor will be available for the media outside the courtroom for 15 minutes after each day's final session. Stockholm District Court, case no B 4708-17 Press service46 10 562 50 20

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  • Deputy Chief Prosecutor Hans Ihrman, has requested the Stockholm District Court to permit extended time until 30 January to file the indictment in the case concerning suspected terrorist crime in Stockholm on 7 April.

    An invitation to a press conference will be sent as soon as the Stockholm District Court has made its decision. Before indictment is filed the prosecutor cannot provide further information. Court´s case number: B 4708-17 Press service46 10 562 50 20

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  • Case where the prosecutor wants to test whether an offence can be judged as rape.

    On Thursday November 30, 2 p.m., Uppsala District Court will announce the verdict in a case where a man, aged 41, has been indicted on charges of aggravated child rape, aggravated sexual abuse of children, exploitation of children for sexual posing, child pornography crimes amongst others. The prosecutors will be available for contact with the media after the verdict is announced. The suspect lives in Sweden and has made contact over the internet with young girls from the US, Canada and Scotland. By threatening the girls, he has persuaded them to perform sexual acts in front of the web cam that he has recorded. There are 27 victims in total. Nine of them have not been identified. All of the 18 identified victims were 15 years old or younger when the crimes were committed. So far, no one has been convicted of rape in Sweden when the sexual acts have been performed over the internet. “We are looking forward to receiving a judgement from the Uppsala District Court as to whether the sexual acts that the girls performed on themselves can be seen as rape. We believe that there is support in precedent cases for these actions to be considered as rape and that the circumstances in this case will give us that result. We believe that in such a serious crime as this one, it could be rape even if the suspect is not present in the same room where the sexual acts are performed,” says Public Prosecutor Annika Wennerström at the International Public Prosecution Office in Stockholm. Uppsala District Court, number B 3216-16 Contact The prosecutors will be available for media today 2.45 - 4 pm CET Thursday November 30. Annika Wennerström, Public Prosecutor and Head of Investigation +46 10 562 55 58 Emelie Källfelt, Public Prosecutor +46 10 562 55 59 Press service+46 10 562 50 20

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  • Stockholm District Court has granted the prosecutor more time to continue the preliminary investigation in the case concerning suspected terrorist crime at Drottninggatan on 7 April.

    The Court decided to grant the request without an oral hearing since the defender admitted the prosecutor's request. The new time limit for the prosecutor to bring charges in the case is set to 21 December 2017. Press service 46 10 562 50 20

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  • Stockholm District Court has granted the prosecutor more time to continue the preliminary investigation in the case concerning suspected terrorist crime at Drottninggatan on 7 April.

    The Court decided to grant the request without an oral hearing since the defender admitted the prosecutor's request. The new time limit for the prosecutor to bring charges in the case is set to 23 November 2017. Press service46 10 562 50 20

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  • On Thursday 12 October, the prosecutor decided to discontinue the investigations of a surgeon who was formerly employed at Karolinska University Hospital where he performed surgeries of tracheas.

    The two investigations of the surgeon concern five operations on four people during the period 2011-2013. The surgeon was notified of the suspicions against him concerning three counts of causing another's death, gross crime, alternatively causing bodily harm, gross crime, and one case of causing bodily harm, gross crime. Three out of the four individuals have since died. − We have reached the conclusion that four of the five operations were negligently carried out, as the surgeon performed the operations using synthetic tracheas, which is in conflict with science and tried-and-tested practice. However, we have been unable to prove that any crimes have been committed. We cannot prove that the effects of his actions, with sufficient degree of probability, would not have occurred had another method been used. Regarding the fourth individual, we are not of the opinion that the surgeon's actions were negligent. Expert medical opinion is not unanimous regarding what should have been done instead for these seriously ill individuals, which therefore has made the suspicions difficult to prove, says public prosecutor Jennie Nordin. Together with public prosecutors Anders Tordai and Leif Appelgren, Jennie Nordin has analysed a large amount of data. Approximately 80 interviews have been held in Sweden and abroad to obtain details for the investigations. − The investigations have been comprehensive with many complex medical issues, says Jennie Nordin. Decision, plaintiffs 1-3 (pdf) Decision, plaintiff 4 (pdf) Press service46 10 562 50 20

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  • Prosecutors and the police will hold a press conference on 12 October concerning the investigation of a surgeon who was formerly employed at Karolinska University Hospital where he performed surgeries of tracheas.

    The surgeon has been notified of the suspicions against him for three cases of causing another's death, gross crime, as well as causing bodily harm, gross crime, and one case of causing bodily harm, gross crime. The surgeries were performed between 2011 and 2013.At the press conference, the prosecutors will comment on the comprehensive investigation and share new information. Place, time and registration Place: Stockholm County Police, Kungsholmsgatan 45Time: 11 am Thursday 12 October, doors open at 10.30Registration: please contact [email protected] no later than 2pm Tuesday 10 October. Include press ID or certificate from editorial staff. Please note only accredited journalists can attend.Public Prosecutor Jennie Nordin, Public Prosecutor Anders Tordai and Detective Chief Inspector Jonna Aasma Prokop will attend the press conference. The prosecutors' presentation will be interpreted from Swedish into English. There will be opportunities for interviews after the presentation. Questions will also be interpreted from Swedish into English, and vice versa, if needed. The prosecutors will not give interviews at any other time than at the press conference. Press service46 10 562 50 20

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  • Deputy Chief Prosecutor Hans Ihrman, has today requested the Stockholm District Court to permit extended time to continue the investigation in the case concerning suspected terrorist crime at Drottninggatan on 7 April.

    The prosecutor has requested for an extension of time until 28 September 2017 to indict. A detention hearing will be held tomorrow Thursday 31 August at Stockholm District Court. For the time being, the prosecutor cannot provide further information. Court´s case number: B 4708-17 Press service46 10 562 50 20

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  • Stockholm District Court has granted the prosecutor more time to continue the preliminary investigation in the case concerning suspected terrorist crime at Drottninggatan on 7 April.

    The Court decided to grant the request without an oral hearing since the defender admitted the prosecutor's request. The new time limit for the prosecutor to bring charges in the case is set to 31 August 2017. Press service46 10 562 50 20

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  • Deputy Chief Prosecutor Hans Ihrman, has today requested the Stockholm District Court to permit extended time to continue the investigation in the case concerning suspected terrorist crime at Drottninggatan on 7 April.

    The prosecutor has requested for an extension of time until3 August to indict. A detention hearing will be held tomorrow Thursday 6 July at Stockholm District Court. For the time being, the prosecutor cannot provide further information. Court´s case number: B 4708-17 Press service46 10 562 50 20

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  • Senior Public Prosecutor Hans-Jörgen Hanström, has today requested the Stockholm District Court to permit extended time to continue the preliminary investigation in the case concerning suspected terrorist crime at Drottninggatan on 7 April.

    - Substantial investigative matters remain, such as further interviews, analyses, surveys and technical investigations, before the investigation can be completed, says Hans-Jörgen Hanström, Senior Public Prosecutor at the Swedish Prosecution Authority.The prosecutor has requested for an extension of time until July 6th to bring charges.For the time being, the prosecutor cannot provide further information.Court´s case number: B 4708-17 Press service46 10 562 50 20

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  • The investigation against Julian Assange is discontinued

    Director of Public Prosecution, Ms Marianne Ny, has today decided to discontinue the investigation regarding the suspected rape (lesser degree) by Julian Assange. The motive is that there is no reason to believe that the decision to surrender him to Sweden can be executed in the foreseeable future.

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    Director of Public Prosecution, Ms Marianne Ny, has today decided to discontinue the investigation regarding the suspected rape (lesser degree) by Julian Assange. The motive is that there is no reason to believe that the decision to surrender him to Sweden can be executed in the foreseeable future.

    - Almost 5 years ago Julian Assange was permitted refuge at the Ecuadorian embassy in London, where he has resided ever since. In doing so, he has escaped all attempts by the Swedish and British authorities to execute the decision to surrender him to Sweden in accordance with the EU rules concerning the European Arrest Warrant. My assessment is that the surrender cannot be executed in the foreseeable future, says Marianne Ny. According to Swedish legislation, a criminal investigation is to be conducted as quickly as possible. At the point when a prosecutor has exhausted the possibilities to continue the investigation, the prosecutor is obliged to discontinue the investigation. - At this point, all possibilities to conduct the investigation are exhausted. In order to proceed with the case, Julian Assange would have to be formally notified of the criminal suspicions against him. We cannot expect to receive assistance from Ecuador regarding this. Therefore the investigation is discontinued. - If he, at a later date, makes himself available, I will be able to decide to resume the investigation immediately, says Marianne Ny. As a result of the decision to discontinue the investigation, the prosecutor has reversed the decision to detain him in his absence and withdrawn the EAW. - In view of the fact that all prospects of pursuing the investigation under present circumstances are exhausted, it appears that it is no longer proportionate to maintain the arrest of Julian Assange in his absence. Consequently, there is no basis upon which to continue the investigation, says Marianne Ny. Translation of the decision (pdf) Case no. in Stockholm District Court:B 12885-10 Press service+46 10 562 50 20

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  • Director of Public Prosecution, Ms Marianne Ny, has today decided to discontinue the investigation regarding suspected rape (lesser degree) by Julian Assange.

    At the press conference today, Director of Public Prosecution Marianne Ny and Chief Prosecutor Ingrid Isgren will give information about the decision. Case no. in Stockholm District Court:B 12885-10 Press service+46 10 562 50 20

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  • Director of Public Prosecutions Marianne Ny and Chief Prosecutor Ingrid Isgren will hold a press conference on the continuation of the Assange case on 19 May 2017.

    By 19 May at the latest, the prosecutors will submit a statement to the Stockholm District Court regarding the detention of Julian Assange. Julian Assange's lawyers have requested that the district court revoke the warrant of arrest. The prosecutors will hold the press conference to provide further details concerning how the case will proceed. The press conference will take place on Friday 19 May from 12:00 to 13:30 at Polishuset, Stockholm, entrance Kungsholmsgatan 37. Entrance no earlier than 11.30. Include press ID or certificate from editorial staff. Please note only accredited journalists can attend. Sign up at [email protected] by Thursday 18 May at 14.00 at the latest. The prosecutors' presentation will be interpreted from Swedish to English. There will be opportunities for group interviews after the presentation. Questions will also be interpreted from Swedish to English, and vice versa, if needed. For further information about the case, see Contact: Press Service +46 10-562 50 20, Annika Collin, Press Officer +46 10-562 50 15, Karin Rosander, Director of Communications +46 10-562 50 10.

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  • Deputy Chief Prosecutor Hans Ihrman, has today requested the Stockholm District Court to permit extended time to continue the preliminary investigation in the case concerning suspected terrorist crime at Drottninggatan on 7 April.

    - Substantial investigative matters remain, such as further interviews, analyses, surveys and technical investigations, before the investigation can be completed, says Hans Ihrman at the National Security Unit. For the time being, the prosecutor cannot provide further information. Court´s case number: B 4708-17 Press service46 10 562 50 20

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  • Arrest revoked in terrorist case

    The prosecutor has today decided to revoke the arrest of the man who was arrested on Sunday morning suspected on reasonable grounds for terrorist crime through murder.

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    The prosecutor has today decided to revoke the arrest of the man who was arrested on Sunday morning suspected on reasonable grounds for terrorist crime through murder.

    According to the prosecutor, the suspicions have weakened and there is, therefore, no ground to apply for a detention order However, the man will not be set free. He will immediately be taken into custody due to a previous decision that he shall be expelled from Sweden. No further information can be provided at the moment. Press service46 10 562 50 20

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  • An application for a detention order has been made concerning the man who was arrested on Saturday morning suspected on probable cause for terrorist crimes through murder.

    Deputy Chief Prosecutor, Hans Ihrman, has made the application for a detention order to Stockholm District Court. The detention hearing will take place tomorrow Tuesday 11 April at 10 o'clock. After the hearing, the prosecutor will be available for questions from the media at the Stockholm District Court. The Court's case number: B 4708-17 The person who was arrested on Sunday morning suspected on reasonable grounds for terrorist crimes through murder is still arrested. If the prosecutor decides to apply for a detention order regarding the person, this needs to be done before noon Wednesday. The prosecutor cannot provide further information before the detention hearing. Press service46 10 562 50 20

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  • Deputy Chief Prosecutor, Hans Ihrman, has decided to arrest one person suspected on probable cause for terrorist crimes through murder.

    The person was arrested at approximately 2.00 a.m. on Saturday. The prosecutor will decide whether to make an application to the court for a detention order no later than 12.00 noon on Tuesday 11 April. A request for a defence counsel for the suspect will be made to a duty judge on Saturday. The person was apprehended on Friday evening. No further information will be provided at present. Press service46 10 562 50 20

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