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RäV 2022:19
Utredningar enligt 31 § LUL: Om handläggningen av ärenden och bevistalan där den som kan misstänkas är under 15 år. Uppdaterad i oktober 2023.
Ett metodstöd för att underlätta förståelsen för reglerna.
Faktablad om förundersökningsbegränsning
Det här är Åklagarmyndighetens faktablad om förundersökningsbegränsning.
Ordningsbot bilaga 14 Trafikskadelagen
Föreskriften anger regler för brott mot trafikskadelagen t.ex. underlåtenhet av förare av moped eller motorredskap att ha med eller på anmodan visa upp bevis om att fordonet är trafikförsäkrat.
Karta med orter_2023
sv 512,63 KB Karta med orter_2023 scbstes Adobe Illustrator 25.4 (Macintosh) Karta med orter_2023
Curriculum Vitae Katarina Johansson Welin_W_English.pdf
sv 77,18 KB ÅM Acrobat PDFMaker 23 för Word
Trial commences in case regarding complicity in grave war crimes in Sudan
On Tuesday 5 September, the trial starts in the case where two representatives of the then named company Lundin Oil AB, have been indicted suspected of having been complicit in war crimes committed
Prosecution brought for i.a. attempted terrorist financing
The prosecutor has today indicted a man in his 40s suspected of attempted serious extortion, serious weapons crime and attempted financing of terrorism. The investigation supports the suspicions that
The prosecutor closes the Swedish investigation concerning gross sabotage against Nord Stream
The conclusion of the investigation is that Swedish jurisdiction does not apply and that the investigation therefore should be closed.
Investigation closed concerning suspected murder on ferry in the Baltic Sea
On June 29, an alarm was received that a mother and a child, a six-year-old, had fallen overboard from the ferry between Gdynia in Poland and Karlskrona in Sweden. Both the mother and the child were
Prosecution commenced in case of agitation against an ethnic or national group
The prosecutor has decided to prosecute two men aged 38 and 49 with agitation against an ethnic or national group. The prosecution relates to four incidents in which the Qur’an was burned in various
Update on Nord Stream
No decision will be made today, Tuesday. The prosecutor will tentatively make a decision tomorrow.