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Arrest revoked in terrorist case
The prosecutor has today decided to revoke the arrest of the man who was arrested on Sunday morning suspected on reasonable grounds for terrorist crime through murder.
Arrest revoked in terrorist case
The prosecutor has today decided to revoke the arrest of the man who was arrested on Sunday morning suspected on reasonable grounds for terrorist crime through murder.
Artist to be Prosecuted for Stockholm Assault
The three individuals held on remand since 5 July on suspicion of committing an assault in central Stockholm have been charged. One of the individuals concerned is an American artist. The public
Artist to be Prosecuted for Stockholm Assault
The three individuals held on remand since 5 July on suspicion of committing an assault in central Stockholm have been charged. One of the individuals concerned is an American artist. The public
Assange to be interviewed on 17 October
The General State Prosecutor of Ecuador has informed that Julian Assange will be interviewed at the Ecuadorian embassy in London on Monday 17 October.
Assange to be interviewed on 17 October
The General State Prosecutor of Ecuador has informed that Julian Assange will be interviewed at the Ecuadorian embassy in London on Monday 17 October.
Assange’s request for leave rejected on formal grounds
3252714 3252678 en Assange’s request for leave rejected on formal grounds To be able to attend a funeral, Julian Assange has requested the Swedish prosecutor to grant a leave from the detention
Assange’s request for leave rejected on formal grounds
3252714 3252678 en Assange’s request for leave rejected on formal grounds To be able to attend a funeral, Julian Assange has requested the Swedish prosecutor to grant a leave from the detention
sv 74,52 KB Barbiturater Acrobat PDFMaker 21 för Word B Barbiturater
Begaran om provning av polisbeslut_overprovning av aklagarbeslut
sv 1,43 MB Begaran om provning av polisbeslut_overprovning av aklagarbeslut Acrobat PDFMaker 11 för Word Begaran om provning av polisbeslut_overprovning av aklagarbeslut
Begäran om prövning av polisbeslut / överprövning av åklagarbeslut
sv 1,43 MB Begäran om prövning av polisbeslut / överprövning av åklagarbeslut Acrobat PDFMaker 11 för Word Begäran om prövning av polisbeslut / överprövning av åklagarbeslut
sv 300,62 KB Benocyklidin Acrobat PDFMaker 21 för Word B Benocyklidin
Bensodiazepiner i allmänhet
sv 127,38 KB Bensodiazepiner i allmänhet Acrobat PDFMaker 21 för Word B Bensodiazepiner i allmänhet
sv 238,25 KB Bensoylfentanyl Acrobat PDFMaker 21 för Word B Bensoylfentanyl
sv 228,45 KB Bentazepam Acrobat PDFMaker 21 för Word B Bentazepam
Beslut 1-3.pdf
Beslut 4.pdf
Beslut AM 28760-23
sv 6,56 KB Beslut AM 28760-23 ÅM
Beslut AM 36636-22
sv 9,74 KB Beslut AM 36636-22
Beslut AM 7833-20
Beslut AM 7833-20 Åklagarmyndigheten