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sv 128,81 KB Etorfin Acrobat PDFMaker 21 för Word E Etorfin
sv 363,48 KB Etylenoxinitazen Acrobat PDFMaker 23 för Word Etylenoxinitazen
sv 134,03 KB Etylfenidat Acrobat PDFMaker 21 för Word E Etylfenidat
sv 225,59 KB Etylon Acrobat PDFMaker 21 för Word E Etylon
sv 63,43 KB Eutylon Eriksdotter Malin Acrobat PDFMaker 22 för Word Eutylon
Exempel på myndighetsgemensamma satsningen.pdf
Extended time for the prosecutor to investigate terrorist case
Stockholm District Court has granted the prosecutor more time to continue the preliminary investigation in the case concerning suspected terrorist crime at Drottninggatan on 7 April.
Extended time for the prosecutor to investigate terrorist case
Stockholm District Court has granted the prosecutor more time to continue the preliminary investigation in the case concerning suspected terrorist crime at Drottninggatan on 7 April.
Extended time for the prosecutor to investigate terrorist case
Stockholm District Court has granted the prosecutor more time to continue the preliminary investigation in the case concerning suspected terrorist crime at Drottninggatan on 7 April.
Extended time for the prosecutor to investigate terrorist case
Stockholm District Court has granted the prosecutor more time to continue the preliminary investigation in the case concerning suspected terrorist crime at Drottninggatan on 7 April.
Extended time for the prosecutor to investigate terrorist case
Stockholm District Court has granted the prosecutor more time to continue the preliminary investigation in the case concerning suspected terrorist crime at Drottninggatan on 7 April.
Extended time for the prosecutor to investigate terrorist case
Stockholm District Court has granted the prosecutor more time to continue the preliminary investigation in the case concerning suspected terrorist crime at Drottninggatan on 7 April.
Extended time granted for the prosecutor to investigate the case with the American artist
Stockholm District Court has granted the prosecutor more time to continue the preliminary investigation of the case concerning the American artist who has been detained since 5 July on probable cause
Extended time granted for the prosecutor to investigate the case with the American artist
Stockholm District Court has granted the prosecutor more time to continue the preliminary investigation of the case concerning the American artist who has been detained since 5 July on probable cause
Facts about extradition and surrender
Different rules apply within the EU (surrender) and outside the EU (extradition).
Facts about extradition and surrender
Different rules apply within the EU (surrender) and outside the EU (extradition).
Facts and organisational chart
The Swedish Prosecution Authority employs almost 1,950 people, just over 1,250 of whom are prosecutors (as of June 2023).
Faktablad barnfridsbrottet.pdf
Faktablad Hedersrelaterad brottslighet
I det här faktabladet finns information om vad hedersrelaterad brottslighet kan vara och hur Åklagarmyndigheten arbetar med dessa ärenden.
Faktablad om förundersökningsbegränsning
Det här är Åklagarmyndighetens faktablad om förundersökningsbegränsning.