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One person arrested for terrorist crime
Deputy Chief Prosecutor, Hans Ihrman, has decided to arrest one person suspected on probable cause for terrorist crimes through murder.
One Person Detained for Crime in Iran Against International Law
An Iranian citizen has today been detained by Stockholm District Court, on probable cause suspected of crime in Iran against international law, gross crime, and murder during the period of 28 July –
One Person Detained for Crime in Iran Against International Law
An Iranian citizen has today been detained by Stockholm District Court, on probable cause suspected of crime in Iran against international law, gross crime, and murder during the period of 28 July –
Opium morfin
sv 132,29 KB Opium morfin bergsthe Acrobat PDFMaker 21 för Word O Opium morfin
Orgskisser 2020.pdf
sv 129,37 KB Oripavin bergsthe Acrobat PDFMaker 21 för Word O Oripavin
sv 130,12 KB Oxikodon bergsthe Acrobat PDFMaker 21 för Word O Oxikodon
sv 197,37 KB p-MePPP bergsthe Acrobat PDFMaker 21 för Word P p-MePPP
sv 292,98 KB Pagoklon Therese Ringbom Acrobat PDFMaker 22 för Word Pagoklon
PDF utvisning på grund av brott.pdf
sv 128,29 KB Pemolin bergsthe Acrobat PDFMaker 21 för Word P Pemolin
sv 221,5 KB Pentedron bergsthe Acrobat PDFMaker 21 för Word P Pentedron
Pentylon (bk-MBDP)
sv 198,13 KB Pentylon (bk-MBDP) bergsthe Acrobat PDFMaker 21 för Word P Pentylon (bk-MBDP)
sv 128,96 KB pFBT/Fluortropakokain bergsthe Acrobat PDFMaker 21 för Word P pFBT/Fluortropakokain
sv 126,41 KB PMMA bergsthe Acrobat PDFMaker 21 för Word P PMMA
Polisens sammanfattning_AM-141797-21_ÖUH_155_1_1
sv 102,66 KB Polisens sammanfattning_AM-141797-21_ÖUH_155_1_1 Polismyndigheten Runner L-02.01.07 Durtvå Rapport
sv 211,22 KB Pregabalin bergsthe Acrobat PDFMaker 21 för Word P Pregabalin
Preliminary investigation in the Assange case to be reopened
Deputy Director of Public Prosecution Eva-Marie Persson has today decided to reopen the Assange case that was previously discontinued.
Preliminary investigation in the Assange case to be reopened
Deputy Director of Public Prosecution Eva-Marie Persson has today decided to reopen the Assange case that was previously discontinued.
Press photos
Press photos of key people within the authority and the Swedish Prosecution Authority´s logo.