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SFS ändring och bilaga 26.pdf
Skrivelse regeringen.pdf
Sida 1 (4) Utvecklingscentrum Stockholm Datum Dnr 2015-12-22 ÅM-A 2015/1743 Ert datum Er beteckning Vice överåklagare Peter Lundkvist Regeringskansliet
sv 285,02 KB SL-164 bergsthe Acrobat PDFMaker 21 för Word S SL-164
Slutredovisning av uppdrag att inrätta en samverkansstruktur för ett sammanhållet arbete med barn och unga som riskerar att begå eller begår grova brott
Slutredovisning Uppdrag att inrätta en samverkansstruktur för ett sammanhållet arbete med barn och unga som riskerar att begå eller begår grova brott.
Snabbare lagföring 2020 - myndighetsgemensam redovisning
Myndighetsgemensam redovisning av en fortsatt och utbyggd försöksverksamhet med ett snabbförfarande i brottmål under 2020
Specialist offices
In addition to the authority’s local public prosecution offices, there are five specialist offices working in various fields.
Starting an investigation
If you are a victim of or witness to a crime, you can report it to the police. Once the police have received your report, a decision will be made by either the police or the prosecutor on whether or
Statement concerning the detention of Assange
The prosecutors have presented a written statement to the Stockholm District Court concerning the detention of Julian Assange. Assange’s lawyers have requested the Court to annul the detention order,
Statement concerning the detention of Assange
The prosecutors have presented a written statement to the Stockholm District Court concerning the detention of Julian Assange. Assange’s lawyers have requested the Court to annul the detention order,
Statement regarding media information on arrest in London
According to media reports, Julian Assange has been placed under arrest in London. The Swedish preliminary investigation against him was discontinued on 19 May 2017. In response to today’s
Statement regarding media information on arrest in London
According to media reports, Julian Assange has been placed under arrest in London. The Swedish preliminary investigation against him was discontinued on 19 May 2017. In response to today’s
Statistik åtal oaktsam våldtäkt.pdf
sv 77,97 KB Öberg Ann Acrobat PDFMaker 23 för Word
Statistik_Väckta åtal för våldtäkt och övriga sexualbrott.pdf
sv 83,22 KB Öberg Ann Acrobat PDFMaker 23 för Word
Status concerning suspected terrorist case in Stockholm
Deputy Chief Prosecutor Hans Ihrman, has requested the Stockholm District Court to permit extended time until 30 January to file the indictment in the case concerning suspected terrorist crime in
Status concerning suspected terrorist case in Stockholm
Deputy Chief Prosecutor Hans Ihrman, has requested the Stockholm District Court to permit extended time until 30 January to file the indictment in the case concerning suspected terrorist crime in
Still unclear who is behind gross sabotage
Public prosecutor Mats Ljungqvist, who is in charge of the ongoing investigation concerning the detonations at the gas pipes North Stream 1 and 2, states that the investigation continues but that it
Strategisk agenda
Ersätter tidigare Strategisk plan 2021-2025.
sv 373,65 KB STS-135 bergsthe Acrobat PDFMaker 21 för Word S STS-135
Surrender under a European arrest warrant
What are the rules for issuing a European arrest warrant? What happens once it has been issued? Some basic facts in english are presented in this document.