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Judgment in the assault case concerning an American artist
The artist, and two men in his company, were prosecuted for assault. Stockholm District Court will give judgment in the case on Wednesday 14 August at 14.00. The prosecutor will be available after
The trial regarding suspected assault in Stockholm
The three individuals held on remand since 5 July on suspicion of committing an assault in central Stockholm have been charged today. One of the individuals concerned is an American artist. The main
The trial regarding suspected assault in Stockholm
The three individuals held on remand since 5 July on suspicion of committing an assault in central Stockholm have been charged today. One of the individuals concerned is an American artist. The main
Artist to be Prosecuted for Stockholm Assault
The three individuals held on remand since 5 July on suspicion of committing an assault in central Stockholm have been charged. One of the individuals concerned is an American artist. The public
Artist to be Prosecuted for Stockholm Assault
The three individuals held on remand since 5 July on suspicion of committing an assault in central Stockholm have been charged. One of the individuals concerned is an American artist. The public
Investigation regarding abuse etc. in Stockholm to be discontinued
In the case concerning an American artist who has been arrested on suspicion of assault since 5 July, a counter-notice was also made against an injured party in the case. The preliminary
Investigation regarding abuse etc. in Stockholm to be discontinued
In the case concerning an American artist who has been arrested on suspicion of assault since 5 July, a counter-notice was also made against an injured party in the case. The preliminary
Extended time granted for the prosecutor to investigate the case with the American artist
Stockholm District Court has granted the prosecutor more time to continue the preliminary investigation of the case concerning the American artist who has been detained since 5 July on probable cause
Extended time granted for the prosecutor to investigate the case with the American artist
Stockholm District Court has granted the prosecutor more time to continue the preliminary investigation of the case concerning the American artist who has been detained since 5 July on probable cause
Prosecutor requests more time to investigate the case with the American artist - updated
On Friday 5 July, an artist was detained on probable cause for assault in central Stockholm. The prosecutor has now requested for an extension of time until 25 July to finish the investigation. An
Prosecutor requests more time to investigate the case with the American artist - updated
On Friday 5 July, an artist was detained on probable cause for assault in central Stockholm. The prosecutor has now requested for an extension of time until 25 July to finish the investigation. An
AMR 2855-19 Brott mot lagen om totalförsvarsplikt - påföljdsfråga
Riksåklagaren vill att HD fastställer penningbotens storlek vid utebliven mönstring. Sedan värnplikten återinfördes har riksåklagarens föreskrifter om ordningsbot vid brott mot totalförsvarsplikten
Update on the case with the American artist
The preliminary investigation continues regarding the American artist who is detained by the Stockholm District Court in Sweden on suspicion of assault in Stockholm.
Update on the case with the American artist
The preliminary investigation continues regarding the American artist who is detained by the Stockholm District Court in Sweden on suspicion of assault in Stockholm.
Ekonomisk prognos juli 2019
Ekonomisk prognos från Åklagarmyndigheten till regeringen juli 2019.
AMR 1561-19 Vållande till annans död, grovt brott
Fråga om straffansvar för vållande till annans död. Två personer har dömts för vållande till annans död, grovt brott, för att av oaktsamhet ha vållat åtta personers död genom att via internet till
ÅFS 2019:03
Åklagarmyndighetens föreskrifter och allmänna råd om ledning av förundersökning i brottmål som även kan ledas av Kustbevakningen.
AMR 839-19 Äktenskapstvång
Två kvinnor har dömts för äktenskapstvång till fängelse i 1 år och 9 månader, då de genom utnyttjande av utsatt belägenhet förmått en 16-årig flicka att ingå en äktenskapsliknande förbindelse med sin
Comment on the Assange case
Comment from the prosecutor on the Court’s decision to detain Julian Assange.