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Prosecutor requests more time to investigate terrorist case
Senior Public Prosecutor Hans-Jörgen Hanström, has today requested the Stockholm District Court to permit extended time to continue the preliminary investigation in the case concerning suspected
Prosecutor requests more time to investigate terrorist case
Senior Public Prosecutor Hans-Jörgen Hanström, has today requested the Stockholm District Court to permit extended time to continue the preliminary investigation in the case concerning suspected
Redovisning av användningen av vissa hemliga tvångsmedel under 2016.pdf
Denna rapport har tagits fram av Åklagarmyndigheten i samverkan med Ekobrottsmyndigheten, Polismyndigheten, Tullverket och Säkerhetspolisen. I en bilaga till rapporten har Polismyndigheten och
Lokalt gallringsbeslut.pdf
sv Åklagarmyndigheten
The investigation against Julian Assange is discontinued
Director of Public Prosecution, Ms Marianne Ny, has today decided to discontinue the investigation regarding the suspected rape (lesser degree) by Julian Assange. The motive is that there is no
The investigation against Julian Assange is discontinued
Director of Public Prosecution, Ms Marianne Ny, has today decided to discontinue the investigation regarding the suspected rape (lesser degree) by Julian Assange. The motive is that there is no
The investigation against Julian Assange is discontinued
Director of Public Prosecution, Ms Marianne Ny, has today decided to discontinue the investigation regarding suspected rape (lesser degree) by Julian Assange.
The investigation against Julian Assange is discontinued(2)
Director of Public Prosecution, Ms Marianne Ny, has today decided to discontinue the investigation regarding suspected rape (lesser degree) by Julian Assange.
Decision 20170519.pdf
Beslut Stockholms tingsrätt
sv Beslut Stockholms tingsrätt Åklagarmyndigheten
Invitation to a press conference on the Assange case
Director of Public Prosecutions Marianne Ny and Chief Prosecutor Ingrid Isgren will hold a press conference on the continuation of the Assange case on 19 May 2017.
Invitation to a press conference on the Assange case
Director of Public Prosecutions Marianne Ny and Chief Prosecutor Ingrid Isgren will hold a press conference on the continuation of the Assange case on 19 May 2017.
Prosecutor requests more time to investigate terrorist case
Deputy Chief Prosecutor Hans Ihrman, has today requested the Stockholm District Court to permit extended time to continue the preliminary investigation in the case concerning suspected terrorist
Prosecutor requests more time to investigate terrorist case
Deputy Chief Prosecutor Hans Ihrman, has today requested the Stockholm District Court to permit extended time to continue the preliminary investigation in the case concerning suspected terrorist
Tillsynsavdelningens årsrapport 2016
Tillsynsavdelningens årsrapport för 2016.
Ekonomisk prognos till regeringen maj 2017
Ekonomisk prognos från Åklagarmyndigheten till regeringen maj 2017
Särskilda åklagarkammarens årsrapport 2016
Under år 2016 har ärendeinflödet till Särskilda åklagarkammaren minskat något. Lagföringen har ökat. Antalet domar som ogillats är fortfarande ganska högt. Balanserna och genomströmningstiderna har