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Invitation to a press conference – how to investigate war crimes
On the occasion of judgements in two high profile cases on war crime, in Syria and in Rwanda, the International Public Prosecution Office and the Swedish National War Crimes Unit will hold a press
Invitation to a press conference – how to investigate war crimes
On the occasion of judgements in two high profile cases on war crime, in Syria and in Rwanda, the International Public Prosecution Office and the Swedish National War Crimes Unit will hold a press
Tillsynsrapport 2014:3 Egenmäktighet med barn
Egenmäktighet med barn – tillämpningen av den särskilda åtalsprövningsregeln.
Report submitted from Ecuador
Ecuadorian authorities have submitted a written report of the interview with Assange. The report will now be translated.
Report submitted from Ecuador
Ecuadorian authorities have submitted a written report of the interview with Assange. The report will now be translated.
AM-85578-16 - Bilaga
sv AM-85578-16 - Bilaga Åklagarmyndigheten
sv Åklagarmyndigheten
Överprövning av beslut Särskilda.pdf
Tillsynsrapport 2016:3 Djurskyddslagen
Utvecklingscentrum Malmö har under 2016 slutfört en granskning av åklagarnas handläggning av ärenden om brott mot djurskyddslagen där anmälan gjorts av en länsstyrelse med anledning av en rapport
The interview with Assange has concluded
The interview with Julian Assange at the Ecuadorian Embassy in London has ended. The results of the interview will later be reported from Ecuador to the Swedish prosecutors in a written statement.
The interview with Assange has concluded
The interview with Julian Assange at the Ecuadorian Embassy in London has ended. The results of the interview will later be reported from Ecuador to the Swedish prosecutors in a written statement.
The Interview with Assange will continue on Tuesday
Today Julian Assange was interviewed at the Ecuadorian Embassy in London. Tomorrow (15 November 2016) the interview will continue.
The Interview with Assange will continue on Tuesday
Today Julian Assange was interviewed at the Ecuadorian Embassy in London. Tomorrow (15 November 2016) the interview will continue.
Interview with Julian Assange next week
Julian Assange will be interviewed at the Ecuadorian embassy in London on Monday 14 November. Ecuador has granted the Swedish request for legal assistance in criminal matters and the interview will
Interview with Julian Assange next week
Julian Assange will be interviewed at the Ecuadorian embassy in London on Monday 14 November. Ecuador has granted the Swedish request for legal assistance in criminal matters and the interview will
City of Westminster Magistrates’ Court (Sitting at Belmarsh Magistrates’ Court) The judicial authority in Sweden
RättsPM 2016:04 Sexualbrott på internet mot unga brottsoffer
Denna rättspromemoria är framtagen för att vara en vägledning vad gäller de rubricerings- och handläggningsproblem som kan uppkomma när sexualbrott begås på internet. Promemorian är indelad i en del
Why was Julian Assange not questioned in Sweden in the autumn of 2010?
The reason is that he was not available for questioning.
Assange’s request for leave rejected on formal grounds
3252714 3252678 en Assange’s request for leave rejected on formal grounds To be able to attend a funeral, Julian Assange has requested the Swedish prosecutor to grant a leave from the detention