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Särskilda åklagarkammarens årsrapport 2015
Särskilda åklagarkammaren har lämnat sin årsrapport för 2015 till riksåklagaren. Av rapporten framgår bland annat att antalet inkomna ärenden har ökat något, men ärenden med fängelse i straffskalan
Report on the Assange case
Status of the Assange case 9 February 2016.
Report on the Assange case
Status of the Assange case 9 February 2016.
Press releases in the Assange Matter before the year 2015 Press releases in chronological order from Swedish Prosecution Authority Request for detention of Mr. Assange 2010-11-18
Information on the Assange matter in connection with statement from UN Working Group
Further to the recently issued statement from the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention, the Swedish Prosecution Authority makes the following statement.
Information on the Assange matter in connection with statement from UN Working Group
Further to the recently issued statement from the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention, the Swedish Prosecution Authority makes the following statement.
Swedish Prosecution Authority
yttrande till TR.pdf
Sida 1 (6) Utvecklingscentrum Göteborg YTTRANDE Handling 168 Överåklagare Marianne Ny Ärende AM-131226-10 Söderorts åklagarkammare i Stockholm 2014-07-01 Handläggare
yttrande till HovR2.pdf
Sida 1 (2) Åklagarområde Stockholm YTTRANDE Handling 185 Söderorts åklagarkammare i Stockholm Ärende AM-131226-10 Överåklagaren Marianne Ny 2014-10-27 Handläggare 105-
yttrande till HovR.pdf
Sida 1 (7) Söderorts åklagarkammare i Stockholm YTTRANDE Handling 181 Ärende AM-131226-10 Överåklagare Marianne Ny 2014-09-23 Handläggare 105-75 Vice
City of Westminster Magistrates’ Court (Sitting at Belmarsh Magistrates’ Court) The judicial authority in Sweden
City of Westminster Magistrates’ Court (Sitting at Belmarsh Magistrates’ Court) The judicial authority in Sweden
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Ecuador asks for renewed request to interview Assange
In a reply, the Prosecutor-General of Ecuador has rejected, on formal grounds, the Swedish prosecutor’s request to interview Assange in London, as it refers to the request that was sent 29 May 2015.
Ecuador asks for renewed request to interview Assange
In a reply, the Prosecutor-General of Ecuador has rejected, on formal grounds, the Swedish prosecutor’s request to interview Assange in London, as it refers to the request that was sent 29 May 2015.
Report on the Assange matter
Status of the Assange matter 13 January 2016.
Report on the Assange matter
Status of the Assange matter 13 January 2016.
In Swedish
The Swedish Prosecution Authority Other languages Svenska <!--&epslanguage=en-->
Request to interview Assange in London
A renewed request will shortly be submitted to Ecuador concerning permission to interview Julian Assange at Ecuador’s embassy in London.
Request to interview Assange in London
A renewed request will shortly be submitted to Ecuador concerning permission to interview Julian Assange at Ecuador’s embassy in London.